6 Middle Eastern Superstitions
Like a lot of cultures, there are a lot of superstitions held in the Middle East. One of the most commonly known ones is obviously getting hit with ayn aka the Evil Eye which can be used to blame anything bad that happens to you on one of your ‘haters’. Everyone knows someone who has super evil eye powers - the ability to inflict bad luck upon you with just a passing glance.
Growing up our dad would always interject with random superstitions that we always thought were interesting, funny, or sometimes just downright random.
Today we’re going to dive into some of our favorite ones our dads shared with us over the year and tell you a little about what each one means.
Upside down shoe = bad luck
This superstition dates back to when people used to live in houses with dirt floors. Deadly spiders and scorpions would crawl into someone’s shoes, leaving the owner with a very nasty surprise, not to mention hundreds of deaths before something was actually done about it, turning it into a superstition that brought bad luck.
Whistling at night bring snakes.
Our dad always used to tell us this but I think it’s just because he wanted us to be quiet and go to sleep. Turns out he also had this one a little mixed up because apparently the real superstion is that said whistling is a way of calling the evil spirits that are roaming around at night waiting for their next prey.
Basically you can’t do anything at night or it brings bad luck. That includes trimming your nails or chewing gum.
Itchy Hands
Again this was one that looks like our dad got backwards. He always told us itchy right hand means you’re getting visitors and an itchy left hand means you got some money heading your way. We did some research and looks like other people think that an itch in the right hand could mean that a financial wind is blowing your way, but if you scratch it, the green bills just disappear. Wish we wouldve known this part sooner cuz our dads been scratching his palms for years. He mightve rubbed em clean off!
An itch in the left palm means the exact opposite, that you will be probably heading to a downfall where your finances are concerned. Our dad always thought this meant you were receiving unwanted visitors which i guess is the same thing.
What if both palms itch? Well, then that’s an indication of a lucky and fruitful day ahead of you.
Is that where the expression “having an itchy palm” comes from?
Twitchy Eyes -
Very similar to the hands; left eye means you’re going to get some bad news and right eye means you’re going to see someone you haven’t seen in a long time which depending on who it is can also be bad news.
Buzzing in your ears = someone is talking about you.
Because we’re a very paranoid and anxious people of course we interpret a buzz in your ear as a sure signal that someone is talking about you. Our dad took this one step further and starts reciting the alphabet as soon as his ears start buzzing and whatever letter the buzzing stops on is the first letter of the person who is talking about you. I know it’s a lot - we’ll diagram it for you.
Hamal Theezo like the boogie man
Apparently this was our equivalent of a version of “Abu Kease” which is basically if you were acting up as a kid some kind of man/monster would pick you up and take you away.
We know theres hundreds of more superstitions in the Middle East and from around the world. So after you’ve hit the like and subscribe button please drop some of your favorite superstitions from your culture in the comments. We love learning about this kinda stuff.